Inland Scholarships

McCarthy and Whitcomb Inland Performing Arts Scholarship Fund

Created by John Whitcomb and Dennis McCarthy, this scholarship is for high school graduates from Anderson Valley, Ukiah area, Willits, Leggett, Laytonville, or Round Valley who are serious about pursuing a career in the performing arts, including music, theatre, dance, design, film, puppetry, and related fields at an accredited vocational school, community college or four year university. Priority will be given for financial need and those who possess the talent, drive and determination needed for a career as a performing artist or designer. 3.0 GPA or better is preferred. To learn more about the history of this scholarship, click here.

Amount:  $ 1,000

Requirements: A 2019 Community Foundation online application, including a high school or college transcript, two letters of recommendation from drama/music/film instructors or teachers, a performing arts resume, and a sample of the student’s performing art (2 to 3 minutes) or design, especially if it cannot be presented in an interview. *We will also accept your paper high school common scholarship application.

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