Youth Speak Out

youth speak out


Thanks to the Soroptomist Clubs on the coast, I had a wonderful opportunity to moderate the 2014 Youth Forum – “Life in a Changing World.” The Soroptomists use this forum to elicit the perspective of young people on current issues facing our world and our local communities.

The topics discussed during the day were far ranging. In the morning, the students debated the “community service” high school graduation requirement and then examined privacy issues related to the Internet and drones. In the afternoon, there were several topics that students could choose from including the decreasing number of students participating in high school sports, the necessity (or not) of learning handwriting, water conservation, bullying, equal opportunity for transgender youth, and the importance of school socializing.

The students did a thorough job of exploring the “community service” graduation requirement, with some assigned to be “for” the requirement, and others assigned to be “against.” On the pro side, they looked at how volunteering personally benefitted them – e.g., it looks good on college transcripts and helps them explore different types of work environments. That led to a discussion of how something that once may have stood out on a college application – like volunteering – is now just another expectation since everyone required to do it. Looking beyond themselves, many cited the importance of building relationships with diverse groups of people outside of school and expressed a belief that youth should “give back” to the community that helped raise them. On the against side, there was the understanding that employment and family obligations sometimes made obligatory community service an additional stress and burden, especially for kids who need to work. Near the end of session, there was a discussion of adding incentives to community service participation, such as money for class trips.

The privacy discussion as it relates to drones and the Internet was also insightful. Military drones were discussed at length, and the kids explored the weighty subject of the human implications of waging war – including its impact on soldiers and on civilians. The environmental and social impacts of drones used for commercial purposes (e.g., Amazon) were also examined.

I was especially interested in the discussion of privacy as it relates to the Internet. Students accepted that certain safeguards at school were necessary, but debated if there should be any controls on the Internet outside of school. Overall, they appeared to accept that a certain loss of privacy was a part of living in today’s world, and most of them seemed to trust that the information they give up by using the Internet will not have a detrimental effect on their lives. I sensed that growing up in a smart phone era, as well as the threats of terrorism that they have heard over their lifetimes, have influenced their views of privacy. 

What I liked best about the day was the ability of the students to see many sides of complex issues and to discuss them in a way that respected different points of view. Special appreciation goes to the Soroptomists who perform a wonderful service by listening to our local youth and recognizing how much we can learn from them. Our best work to improve our communities often starts with the simple act of listening to other points of view.

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