What the Giants Teach Us About Community


I am sure I am not alone in thinking October was rather . . . orange. Fall leaves and pumpkins aside, like so many others, I have been following baseball and the Giants improbable progress to victory in the final game of the World Series.

So what does this have to do with "giving back" and our community? After listening to announcers and countless sports pundits throughout this month, I heard (over and over again) themes that resonate more broadly. So for a bit of fun, I thought I'd see if a little baseball wisdom translates into how to build stronger communities.

The Giants were the last team to qualify for the playoffs this season. Some of their key players were hurt during the year and never able to return to the line-up. This meant the Giants played with a lot of rookies and pick-up players. To their credit, the team and the organization took care of the new guys. They were not left to figure things out on their own - they were absorbed into the team culture and made to feel like they belonged. There is a lesson here when thinking about how we treat young people or newcomers in our own communities. Are we there to mentor them? Do we show understanding when they make "rookie" mistakes? Do we recognize them as the future of our community "franchise"?

Another highlight of the playoffs was that so many games were decided by great plays or hits from unlikely players - almost a different person every night. Before the last game of the Series, manager Bruce Bochy was said to have gone around the clubhouse to acknowledge many individual players and the way each contributed to the club's ability to get that far. This is a universal lesson to take home to our families, our workplaces, and our communities. It is the celebration of the success of others and the knowledge that people will shine in their own unique way and time.

A lot was said about the Giants' fans - a sold-out ballpark, even during a long summer slump, helped the team financially and psychologically. But even more meaningful to me is the way being a fan breaks down barriers between people. If one person wearing a team cap or shirt meets another person wearing similar attire, more often than not, they make eye contact and give a "thumbs up." This extends beyond age, class and race. I remember getting a high-five from a young skateboarder just because he saw my t-shirt. Wouldn't it be wonderful if we could find more reasons to drop our barriers and come together - even if it's just to smile and recognize that we all have something in common (even beyond our teams)?

The playoffs held additional lessons about tenacity (Bruce Bochy called his team "cockroaches" because they wouldn't die), and about not ostracizing team members even when they screw up or are not capable of their former feats. And they created spontaneous community gatherings - not in social media forums but in-person - in living rooms, restaurants, or public streets. As one celebrant put it, the gatherings were full of "unbridled joy," and that's pretty good for everyone.

The Community Foundation's logo (which just happens to be orange) and stories about how we help to build community can be found at www.communityfound.org.

Parade photos courtesy Elizabeth Penny

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