The Business of Giving Back


If you are ever tempted to think that working for a charitable foundation is a “touchy-feely” business for a select group of do-gooders, think again. The business of “giving back” is truly very business-like, filled with laws, regulations and oversight by the Internal Revenue Service and state and federal government agencies. Working in a charitable foundation does allow us to spend some time thinking about “doing good,” but that is often after we think about doing things in a legal and ethical way.

If you need proof of this, you need to look no further than the Community Foundation National Standards, administered by the Council on Foundations. The National Standards compliance process requires documentation of compliance with forty-one standards covering donor services, investment management, grant-making and administration. The policies, procedures and supporting materials fill several three-inch binders and require months to assemble.

The standards were first adopted in 2000 by the Community Foundation Leadership Team of the Council on Foundations, a Washington DC based membership association of more than 2,000 grant-making foundations and corporations. US community foundations serve tens of thousands of donors and administer more than $31 billion in charitable funds. Over 500 Community foundations, out of approximately700 nationwide, have agreed to voluntarily comply with National Standards.

The National Standards evolved in response to a few things. A decade ago, community foundations began to define themselves differently than the charitable gift funds offered by private investment companies. With this, they began to articulate the distinct characteristics that define the relationship between a community foundation and the communities it serves. Added to that was the increased scrutiny directed at charitable organizations coinciding with the Sarbanes–Oxley act which set new or enhanced standards for all U.S. public companies. Community foundations could use the standards as a roadmap to make sure they were meeting the established legal and ethical practices of the field.

As a relatively small foundation, the Community Foundation of Mendocino County dedicates considerable human resources to meeting the rigorous national standards. But we find it worthwhile for several reasons. First, it is our way of checking that we are keeping up with the many and changing regulations that govern accepting tax deductible donations and making grants and scholarships. The peer reviewers of our large compliance binders are very exacting, and confirmation of compliance by the Community Foundations National Standards Board assures us that we are following both the letter and intent of the laws governing our work.

The other factor that makes the National Standards worthwhile is our commitment to the people we serve. Trust is at the center of the relationship between the Community Foundation and the donors who use the Foundation to make a charitable bequest or to establish a fund.  Public trust is both earned and validated. I have seen National Standards compared to the “good housekeeping seal.” Developed in the spirit of accountability, transparency and continuous self-improvement, the National Standards for U.S. Community Foundations is evidence that we seek excellence for our communities and our donors.

The Community Foundation helps people “give back” in ways that matter to them and in ways that strengthen local communities. To find out more, visit

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