Reflections from a New Program Officer


Micheline White of Coast Seniors in Point Arena receives a grant check from Michelle White, Program Officer of the Community Foundation.As the new Program Officer at the Community Foundation, I had the privilege of administrating the Community Enrichment Grants this year. While I have written many grants, it was my first opportunity to look at the process from the other side of the table. I knew it was my job to ensure the Community Foundation’s values were met – which means being transparent, fair, and good stewards of the gifts that make these grants possible.  All the while, our goal is to fund grants that offer maximum community benefit throughout the county.  

Determining community need is part of the process. To do this, the Community Foundation employs the dedication of community volunteers known as Regional Advisors. The Regional Advisor’s insight into their communities helped me to better understand how a particular grant would impact a community. Some grant proposals were declined in this first phase of review. Other proposals moved onto phase two: site visits.

A site visit offers one more level of determining community impact as it provides a much better sense of the project and organization. This year, I visited Bones Pet Rescue in Covelo. Sitting in Ukiah, it was hard to visualize the impact that Bones has on the stray animal population in Round Valley. By talking to the dedicated volunteers at Bones, I learned in detail how vital their clinics are in controlling animal populations and why the cat shelter they are constructing is so necessary for their community.

After the site visits, the Program Committee and Board review the proposals to make final funding decisions. I know how exciting it is for the organizations who receive funding. Presenting the checks throughout the county is inspiring as each group shares how their work will make a difference. The other side though, is sharing the disappointment with organizations that don’t receive a check.  What I have realized as a grant maker is that there are only so many things an organization can control when they put in an application. For instance, they can’t do much about the pool of applicants they are competing against. The silver lining is that each proposal is an opportunity to learn how to make the next one better.

Helping non-profits improve proposals is one of the pieces I enjoy most about my role as a program officer. In the fall, we offer workshops and additional technical assistance. This sounds very fancy, but what it comes down to is talking with organizations about their proposals. Conversations can include clarifying community need, providing the right documents, and making sure the idea fits the guidelines. For me, helping non-profits be successful is one of the ways that I can give back to the community.
And giving back to the community is what our grants are all about. The Community Enrichment Grants are made possible thanks to community members just like you!  Through contributions that vary from a check for twenty-five dollars to an estate gift valued at several hundred thousand dollars, the Community Endowment has grown so that this year we were able to make $120,000 in grants. that these grants have in common is that they will make an impact in the community now and into the future.

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