"Mommy, Daddy, Wait for Me"

Susanne Norgard, Executive Director, writes in the Ukiah Daily Journal about people and organizations improving lives in our community.


            There is no doubt about it, having a child when you are a teenager can be an overwhelming experience. Working with teen mothers and fathers through the Young Parent Program at Ukiah High School campus over the past twelve years, Susan McConnell has seen first-hand the challenges these young people and their children face. This is why she finds her job as Director of Child Development Services for Mendocino County Office of Education (MCOE) rewarding. “We can have an impact on two or more generations of a family,” she told me. “We are helping the teen parents, but the babies are also our students. The young parents have a classroom, and the babies have theirs in the child care center at the school.”           

            Susan admires the determination of many of her students, noting that her greatest satisfaction occurs each year when 5 – 10 teen parents graduate from high school. “Half of those students have plans to go on to junior college or to vocational training program,” she told me. “That makes the occasion the most wonderful thing in the world.” She adds that many of the Young Parent Program graduates are now working in professional jobs in the local community. “I often walk into a meeting and see a former student participating. They are filling responsible positions in the community. Many have leadership roles in the health field. They are proud of their kids, good parents and good community members.”

                But the success of some teen parents does not diminish the difficulty that most teen parents face.


Susanne Norgard, Executive Director, writes in the Ukiah Daily Journal about people and organizations improving lives in our community.


            There is no doubt about it, having a child when you are a teenager can be an overwhelming experience. Working with teen mothers and fathers through the Young Parent Program at Ukiah High School campus over the past twelve years, Susan McConnell has seen first-hand the challenges these young people and their children face. This is why she finds her job as Director of Child Development Services for Mendocino County Office of Education (MCOE) rewarding. “We can have an impact on two or more generations of a family,” she told me. “We are helping the teen parents, but the babies are also our students. The young parents have a classroom, and the babies have theirs in the child care center at the school.”           

            Susan admires the determination of many of her students, noting that her greatest satisfaction occurs each year when 5 – 10 teen parents graduate from high school. “Half of those students have plans to go on to junior college or to vocational training program,” she told me. “That makes the occasion the most wonderful thing in the world.” She adds that many of the Young Parent Program graduates are now working in professional jobs in the local community. “I often walk into a meeting and see a former student participating. They are filling responsible positions in the community. Many have leadership roles in the health field. They are proud of their kids, good parents and good community members.”

                But the success of some teen parents does not diminish the difficulty that most teen parents face. For that reason, Susan wanted to re-make a film about teen pregnancy that was first produced by Dr. Waring many years ago. “The film was effective, but dated,” she said. “The kids who watched it were focusing on hairstyles and make-up, rather than on what the film was saying.” With a grant from the Community Foundation, MCOE hired film-makers Mitch Mendosa and Heidi Knott to work with current and former teen parents to make a new video, “Mommy, Daddy, Wait for Me.”

            “Young people always have choices,” says Susan “Our job is to help them understand what those choices mean.” In doing so, local educators have found that the best instructors are the students’ peers. Film-maker Heidi Knott noted, “We have learned that kids listen to what kids say. When the students are watching other kids on the video, they are rapt. When an adult comes on, you can see that their attention begins to drift a little bit.”

            The teen parents portrayed on the video have learned some hard lessons. Heidi was especially struck by the young girls who are influenced by men in their 20’s. “They feel pressure to have sex early,” Heidi told me. “They are not really prepared for the choices they are making, and not prepared to say no to the older guys.” Susan recalls a young couple who tell their story on the video. “The father was on a varsity sports team, and now he needs to work instead. The mother remembers how much fun they had together before the baby. Now she says they seem to fight over every little thing. It sure takes the glamour away from teen pregnancy.”

            Heidi notes that one of the biggest tragedies is when teen parents don’t finish high school. “When a teen mother drops out of school, she is likely to fall into a cycle of poverty. Many of these young women lack of self-confidence to begin with, and not having a high school education makes it even more difficult for them to find stability for them and their children.”

            The teen stories in “Mommy, Daddy, Wait for Me” come from young people from throughout Mendocino County. The video is accompanied by a teacher’s guide to make it easy for junior high school and high school teachers to incorporate it into their curriculum. As part of the Community Foundation Grant, the video will be distributed for free to all junior and senior high schools in Mendocino County. For more information call Susan McConnell at 467-4151. You can also call Susie if you have baby carriers, strollers or other gently used items that might be appreciated by a teen mother in the MCOE program.

                The Community Foundation, in partnership with local donors, makes grants to organizations that bring people together to address the challenging issues that are facing people in our local communities. If you want to find out more, visit www.communityfound.org.

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