Bylaws Are Essential for Boards


I had the privilege to spend a recent Friday morning with a group of thirty people who are “giving back” by volunteering to serve on a board of directors of one of our local non-profit agencies. They came together at the Senior Center in Fort Bragg for a round-table discussion led by Charles Bush, Executive Director of the Senior Center, and Ana Mahoney, a local consultant and member of several boards.

The agenda for the morning had four topics for discussion, but we never really got past the first topic – a discussion of organizational bylaws. Charles began the discussion by noting, “The bylaws are the anchor of the organization – they describe what you can and can’t do. They encourage us to be responsible to our mission, to be fair in how we conduct business, and to be open and accountable to the public.”

We didn’t spend much time discussing the legal ins and outs of bylaws, but focused on how to use bylaws to produce a healthy board. Here are some of the highlights.

We talked about how to avoid making boards “closed clubs.” Charles noted that boards should renew themselves like cells in a body: “There should always be turnover, but never all at once – just a few every year.”  He said that successful non-profits have a stable staff, board cycles that continually keep the organization renewed and responsive, and a planning process that links the board and staff and keeps everyone on track even when some of the board members change.

Charles also touched on the healthy tension that should exist between board members and the staff.  “Boards govern, staffs manage,” he noted. He said that in some organizations where there is no paid staff and board members act as staff, it is always wise to determine whether members have their board hat on, or their staff hat on. “If we decide to produce four benefit dinners as a part of our fundraising plan, that is a board decision, as is making sure we have the appropriate insurance for the dinners. But once we start talking about what’s on the menu, that’s the staff’s responsibility. Even when board members are fulfilling that role, the discussion doesn’t belong in the board meeting.”

Conflict of interest was another subject of discussion. Charles summarized, “You can’t vote to give money or extra benefits to yourself, a family member, or another board member. For example, if you are selling a ticket for a certain price, you can’t vote to sell the same ticket at half price for members of your board.”

Charles emphasized the importance of transparency. He shared that he puts financial statements and board minutes on the Senior Center’s website. “The bottom line is that we are entrusted by the public to run these non-profit organizations. They are not “ours” in the same way a private business is. They are a public trust and the public has a right to know how their money is being used.”

If you are interested in finding out more about how to participate in a board conversation like the one described here, contact Charles ( or me (

The Community Foundation administers endowment funds that help people create a personal legacy and “give back” locally. To find out more, visit

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