A Big Dream Becomes Reality

Susanne Norgard, Executive Director, writes in the Ukiah Daily Journal about people and organizations improving lives in our community.

Photo from Healthy Kids

 Sometimes big dreams pay off. Take for example the people from different organizations who, back in 2004, thought that every child in Mendocino County should have health insurance coverage. “It’s a lofty goal, but it is achievable in Mendocino County,” says Healthy Kids Coordinator Megan VanSant. “Our county is a relatively small and cohesive community, and that has helped us to pull together the resources we need to provide insurance for every child.”

The partnership that is working to make the goal a reality includes First Five, the County’s Health and Human Services, the Alliance for Rural Community Health (ARCH) and the community clinics that comprise its membership, and the schools. Megan notes that a great synergy has developed. “More than any other program I have ever known, Healthy Kids really is a community coalition.


Susanne Norgard, Executive Director, writes in the Ukiah Daily Journal about people and organizations improving lives in our community.

Photo from Healthy Kids

 Sometimes big dreams pay off. Take for example the people from different organizations who, back in 2004, thought that every child in Mendocino County should have health insurance coverage. “It’s a lofty goal, but it is achievable in Mendocino County,” says Healthy Kids Coordinator Megan VanSant. “Our county is a relatively small and cohesive community, and that has helped us to pull together the resources we need to provide insurance for every child.”

The partnership that is working to make the goal a reality includes First Five, the County’s Health and Human Services, the Alliance for Rural Community Health (ARCH) and the community clinics that comprise its membership, and the schools. Megan notes that a great synergy has developed. “More than any other program I have ever known, Healthy Kids really is a community coalition. Working with partners can be challenging because every organization has its own way of doing things and its own priorities. But with Healthy Kids, the partnership model has worked in an almost magical way.”

Megan and I discussed how having affordable health insurance for children reduces the stress on families during difficult economic times.  She told me, “For some families, it is the peace of mind they have knowing that they are taking care of their kids. I remember helping a family with health insurance coverage for their two young daughters. When we called to tell the mom that her kids were covered, she told me, “I sure sleep better at night.” Having two small children myself, I could really relate to that. I know how scary it would be to know my children would be at risk if anything were to happen to them. Healthy Kids allows the parents to focus on taking care of the kids without totally disrupting the family’s finances.”

Of course, for families with children who have more serious illnesses, Healthy Kids makes a profound difference. Megan cited examples of children who have serious disorders that require weekly lab tests and specialized care at major medical centers. Other children who are in remission from childhood cancer are often ineligible for private insurance. And finally, children are prone to the occasional serious accidents and unexpected broken bones that can be a part of growing up. In all of these cases, Healthy Kids guarantees that there will be health insurance to assist the family as they cope with the unexpected.

Since the formal launch of Healthy Kids in May 2006, Megan has seen a steady increase in enrollment by children in all three of the primary health insurance program (Medi-Cal for Children, Healthy Families, and CalKids). She stresses that finding affordable health insurance is not confined to lower income families: “We are seeing a lot more interest from middle income and higher income families. Because so many people in Mendocino County are either self-employed or small business owners, their only option may be insurance purchased on the private market, which is often prohibitively expensive. Other families who have employer-sponsored health insurance are seeing their policies change and find it is now either too expensive or not providing what they need.”

Mendocino County is one of thirty-two of the fifty-eight counties in California that have a health insurance program for all children. Megan notes that we were one of the first rural counties to implement such a program, and one of the only counties to have such a strong private-public partnership. Healthy Kids has received support from the Community Foundation and other local foundations, from businesses, health care providers, the United Way, and local families, reflecting our shared responsibility for the health of our children.

 If you would like to find out more about how you can either support or participate in the Healthy Kids program, visit www.healthykidsmendocino.org.  

Healthy Kids is just one of the programs the Community Foundation supports through its Community Endowment Fund. If you want find out more about how you can participate in “giving back” to your community through the Community Foundation, visit www.communityfound.org.

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